About nude faker

With more than 10 years of experience as nude faker, I’ve made some pretty nice fakes. Take your time to browse through my portfolio to see for yourself. Making fake requests I pay close attention to details. Not only colors and proportions, but also shadows, secondary light glows and finally body type. In addition to this, I try to make every fake nude request as much realistic as possible, with all perfections and imperfections of a human body.
I do every fake request by myself. I don’t outsource work to any other nude faker. That way I can guarantee the quality of every fake and you can be sure that the top tier nude faker is working on your image.

Nude faker’s clothes removal examples.Nude fakes, clothes removal

Making clothes removal requests, I pay close attention to details. Not only colors and proportions, but also shadows, secondary light glows and finally body type. I try to make every fake request as much realistic as possible.

Desi fakes and fake nude requestsDesi fakes

Combination of fake nudes, xrays and face swaps of famous Desi queens. All made using Desi nude models' bodies. With or without traditional jewelry, depending on fake request. One of my favorite fake requests.

face swaps fake requests.Face swap requests

You can either find nude body or a sex scene to make the face swap onto, or I can find a scene for face swap or a head swap myself. There are few rules when choosing the right body for this kind of fake request. I’ve listed them all here.

Xray and fakeray request gallery, done by fakerayXray and fakeray requests

Fake requests where I make clothes on image see through. Not all images are suitable for xray, but I can make a fakeray version of them, making it very close to true original model’s body. With perfect match of pose and body type.

Making deep fakes and custom video fakes.Video fakes

Custom deep fakes using a face image and swapping it onto a video. Video fakes can be nude vids or a sex scene, with 30 to 60 seconds in lenght.

Samples of cumshot fakes made with fakeray own technique.Cumshot fake requests

Adding cumshots or bukkake on face and body with own technique. Every cumshot request is done detailing cum dripping over the face with attention to face shape and the angle of gravity, making realistic cum flow over the model’s face.

Some of nude faker’s best work in these custom fake requests.Other fakes

Composition fakes are some of most complex fakes that not every nude faker can make. There are also other types of fake requests in this gallery, like shemale fakes, futa fakes and other weird fetish fakes. All done by a top tier nude faker.

Shemale faking serviceShemale fakes

Turning a female to shemale is one of the services. That is pretty simple fake that can be addition to other request or a request for itself. You can choose size and shape of a cock you want me to fake.

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